Images have a strong influence on us. They stimulate our thoughts and influence our perception. While we look at them, opinions are inevitably formed, as well as interpretations and emotions. Pictures can express more than a thousand words, they influence our existence and give life content and taste.

The works see themselves as a contribution of life and, by means of a personal view of people, they teach us about perception and intelligent being. The works on display represent human relationships in their environment, such as the relationship of man with his own kind. Who are we, where we belong, how our thoughts form, can one still speak of an innate ego in the complex society in which we live? In the presented works, special importance is given to the fact that pictures are media, which encompass disciplines such as psychology, ethnology, sociology, philosophy... The compiled images throw up subjects which want to stimulate thinking, and - who knows - maybe will lead to dialogue. The horizon is extended, presenting new perspectives of life for some individuals. Images free us of the boundaries, which we set for ourselves or which we experience daily from nature or society.

The opinions and conclusions of a wide variety of individuals are influenced by their behaviour patterns and their inherited cultures. If everyone interprets their own ideas about space from their own experience, then you can say that space is strictly speaking pure memory from experiences. Even in the moment of contemplation, there is no material present, but just the idea of it. When we become aware of this fact, then our mind is freed from the purely empirical-earthly thinking. Thinking beings construct their space and its dependencies in order to be able to orient themselves within it. Representations of the real world are brought together. Out of this, new imaginary situations and meanings are created. These are real in this process, in the same way that dreams seem real at the moment of dreaming.

The series "Angel, Identity, Nobody" etc would like to celebrate this fact. One imagines that the characters are real, even though they do not exist in many respects, and yet they can seem alive to us.